Wednesday, June 2, 2010


16 Male Celebrities Wearing Eyeliner…
You may be of the school of thought that eyeliner is only for women but there are men out there who are set on changing the general population’s point of view. I personally think that men wearing eyeliner are hot but only for eye candy. I would not want to live with a guy who takes longer to put on makeup than me, know what I mean? How about you? Do you think the following guys can get  away with wearing eyeliner?

1. Jared Leto

Oh, the most beautiful Jared Leto. While I like him sans makeup, I think he looks hot with eyeliner.

2. Pete Wentz

One man who proudly wears his eyeliner. I wonder if he and Ashlee shares the same brand.

3. David Cook

His is a bit subtle but I think it gives him that “dirty” singer vibe. Not dirty in a smelly way but in a sexy way.

4. Adam Lambert

What’s a guyliner post without good old Adam Lambert. He is known for his flamboyant makeup and hair as much as being part of American Idol.

5. Johnny Depp

Ah, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. *sigh*
Wait, what was I blogging about? Oh yeah, male eyeliner. Do you know that there is a Facebook page about Johnny looking better in eyeliner than most women????

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