Thursday, July 8, 2010

Choosing wedding ring for men


Use of wedding rings in marriage rituals was practiced first by the Egyptians thousands of years ago. At that time the man used to offer a ring to his woman of love. The acceptance of the ring by the woman meant that the she has accepted the man as her husband and it made her the man’s sole property. Later it was practiced in the roman civilization also. But in all of these cases men used to offer wedding ring to their love of life. In the Egyptian civilization a wedding ring meant the man’s never ending love for the woman. Gradually with the introduction of wedding ring in various other countries and civilization the purpose of the wedding ring changed.

Today wedding bands are worn by both men and women. It is considered as the symbol of love and commitment to each other. The history of men’s wedding ring is not as old as the women’s ring. During World War II men had to leave their wife and stay away from them in the battle fields for long time. In order to keep the sweet memory of their wife with them men started wearing rings. Later the exchange of ring during marriage ceremony was introduced. And it is practiced till today. Men and women both wear rings nowadays.

A woman cannot choose any wedding ring for her husband to show her love and affection although each and every ring holds the same sentiment. But some things should be kept in mind. A designed ring with diamonds and other stones studded on it is not suitable for a man. It will not match his personality. A ring which matches the man’s personality is the best suited. It is also advised to keep the matter of comfort in mind. A person who has to use his hands during work will not at all be comfortable with highly designed rings. Moreover the man has to carry this ring all through his life. So carrying an uncomfortable ring for his whole marital life will be ill at ease.

Purchasing a wedding ring according to the man’s personality is most important. An ill-chosen ring can make him uncomfortable in the public. A person from the high level of the society cannot use a cheap and simple ring. It will be a matter of embarrassment for him. Similarly a man who has to give physical labor cannot use an expensive exclusively designed ring. It will cause him discomfort. These are some things that a woman should keep in mind while purchasing a ring for her husband. Well of course everyone can’t afford whatever ring they want to buy. The cost can come as an obstacle often while buying a ring. Even the choice of the man should be in mind. What metal or what stone the man likes the color of the metal he prefers etc.

Keeping in mind all these measures buying a wedding ring for a man can be very complicated and confusing. A woman has to keep a lot of things in mind while buying the wedding band for her husband..

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